Stonebank-like UK Hardcore FLP [REFERENCE ONLY]
AstedroidWith this project file, you're able to dive in deeper how this kind of music is done and maybe also use it as an reference-only as I do not allow it to be used for your own productions or finishing it on your own as I'll be finishing the track myself in the future.
For questions, hit me up at tapanainen.joonas2@gmail.com, or through Discord: https://lnk.thev.to/discord
- Genre: UK Hardcore
- BPM: 170
- DAW: FL Studio 20
- Key: A♭ Major
Project File (FL Studio)
All Project Samples (.wav)
All MIDI Sequences (.mid)
Buyer Agreement
We verify each listing to ensure that not having the same plug-ins will not significantly alter the track.
Xfer Records - Serum, Reveal Sound - Spire, Vengeance Producer Suite - Avenger- FAMISYNTH-II, XLN Audio - Addictive Keys, Fabfilter - Pro-Q 3, Kickstart 2, Dada Life - Endless Smile, Transpire, kHs - Disperser, XFer Records - OTT, kHs - Haas, kHs - Faturator, Fabfilter - Saturn 2, NI - Raum, oeksound - Soothe2
See What can I do with my purchase?
Project files are essential tools for producers looking to take their skills to the next level and develop their sound. By providing access to professional-grade projects, these resources offer a wealth of benefits that can help you refine your craft and create standout tracks. With a project file, you can study the track's mix and master, reverse engineer the sound design, and get an inside look at the arrangement. You can see how elements are layered, how chords are voiced, and discover new techniques and solutions to apply to your own productions. Additionally, project files often include pre-mixed sounds and synths, allowing you to focus on being creative without worrying about mixing from scratch. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn from the pros or an experienced producer seeking to expand your skill set, investing in project files and templates is a smart choice.
You are free to explore, but not to finish the track and release by yourself without permission. Song is probably going to be a upcoming track of mine, so also for that reason, do not. FLP is produced, mixed & mastered by me alone. Knowledge of Stonebank-ish sound is process of studying their music & trial and error. Redistribution of the FLP is prohibited. For permissions: DM me @ Discord: Astedroid#9845 or email: tapanainen.joonas2@gmail.com Join my server @ https://lnk.thev.to/discord